08 March 2007

Westies "In The Dark" Handicap Race

Charlie's report =
A great turnout of 24 runners for our annual little ‘In the Dark’ handicap race, numbers bolstered by four brave Hunters Bog Trotters who made the journey west into the badlands of Westerlands. Cool, crisp and near perfect running conditions meant several pb’s for a few folk, but apparently the slope to and from the concrete hut was a bit slippy, hence the brown ones returned a bit more brown, never mind the not so golden fleeces of Westies.

Our non-stop running Captain just keeps going from strength to strength, for despite a big 14 minute time deficit thanks to yours truly, he still managed to overtake all the others and come in first, overhauling Dave R by five seconds in the final hundred metres. A great run by the club sec. for his 2nd place, wearing a nice mini-skirt (fancy dress points), and then Katherine only another 10 seconds behind to claim 3rd and first lady. First Comrade Trotter was a certain Mr M Strain in 5th position, who certainly didn’t live up to his surname as he clocked the fastest time of the night, and must surely be one of thee fastest debutant times ever. Well done to the other brown ones of Ian, Jess, and Tom for making the journey through, and for the other race virgins who partook.

Thanks to Shona for a welcome helping hand with timing the troops, but maybe she should have substituted me with our much more able and experienced Isabel who gets the results down to a ‘T’ every time. This was more than evidenced in the results sheet being ‘all over the place’, and resulted in myself missing two of the 24 runners during the prize-giving. Sorry Fiona and Cat, please forgive me, because I know how much you wanted one of JD’s ‘classic’ prizes.

A grand night out, with many folk trottering off for some sustenance in the form of a Westies currynight. Hope it was good. Till next year.


Ps Highlight of the evening for Shona and myself was watching Graham K come over the line and then promptly spew what little stomach contents he had over the line also – the poor guy did literally run his guts out!

My Report =
reat evening, only spoiled by Celtic getting beaten by the Italians! I enjoyed a really good battle with Graham and Simon. Setting off a minute or so behind them I caught a few bodies near the turnaround point of the L.E.D. enhanced concrete bunker. All sorts of Westies were floundering around in the dark in all sorts of directions, but having reccied the route earlier and aided by the dreaded headtorch I found a good direct route to the road. I appeared ahead of Graham and just behind Simon and then we all enjoyed a frantic race back, with Graham leading the way and Simon just behind me. A 100 metres before the end I gave it my final effort and edged past Graham, just managing to hold down my lunch. Graham responded likewise and I blew up, barely managing to make it to the line. I did, however, have the energy and decency to not barf up, unlike poor Graham. Cheers to all fellow Westies for a great turnout and to the helpers.
Heart rate averaged 162bpm(90%); 400cal;195 meters ascent.
Results here
Photos on FLICKR here

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