01 August 2008

JOGLE DAY TWELVE - Boscastle to Lands'End


Yes, we did it we did it we did it!!! Well, Francis certainly completed the full journey of 1195 miles as it turned out and I managed 1048 in my 11 days.

Leaving Boscastle I was worried about my sore achilles and mild hangover, but on the steep winding ascent out they both seemed fine thankfully.We passed by Camelford and Bodmin, crossed between Newquay and St. Austell and through Redruth (ASBO capital of the south west apparently!)and St. Ives before bombing along full of adrenaline through St.Just on the coastal road to our final destination.
It was with tears in my eyes that we swooped into Lands End about 6pm, after battling a headwind and more wee winding lanes. It was an amazing adventure and with so much to try and remember and absorb. My very few scant words here cannot do justice to the amazing scenery, views, pubs, cafes, hostels, thatched cottages, windy lanes, vast Scottish mountain scenery, idyllic villages etc. that we encountered. A huge big thanks to Francis for his navigation and friendship throughout, and to Florence, Sally and Eleanor for their support. And, of course, not forgetting Gordon without whose bike, panniers and shoes I obviously could not have completed it.

The weather remained fairly kind for the last day, with just a few showers, and we enjoyed our final day's cycling in Cornwall. We travelled through lots of narrow lanes again and made one final coffee stop before heading along the coastal route around the north coast to reach Land's End via St. Just. The owner of the cafe had obviously seen it all before but was very encouraging and local small boys obviously knew what was going on because two groups of them shouted things such as 'Well done' as we passed.

As we negotiated the coast road, a strong breeze caused us to drop through the gears until we were almost in bottom gear whenever the road turned inland and then blew us along at top speed each time it turned and headed towards the sea. At St. Just, there was a final 1-in-6 climb before we put our heads down and started flying along towards the finish, taking it in turns to go at the front and pedal into the wind.

Sally and Eleanor were ready to receive us at the finish and a few tourists were almost as excited to find that they were there at just the right time to see someone finishing the run. One group was so pleased that they put their hands into their pockets and donated £20 on the spot.

I now have a great example of systematic error for use with my A level groups because each day proved to be longer than my measured distance. My original plan was to cycle 1000 miles in 10 days, averaging 100 miles per day, but, after being reminded that I am not as young as I used to be, I planned a journey lasting12 days. It's a good job that I did this because we have still ended up cycling 100 miles per day and, as John has pointed out, could have completed the journey in 9 days if we had selected one of the standard, 900-mile routes.

We are raising money for prostate cancer research,details on www.justgiving.com/fhjogle, if you wish to contribute.

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